Friday, November 18, 2016

Episode 37: "The Happy Prince", by Oscar Wilde

Due to tech problems, this very late episode comes courtesy of the late Oscar Wilde.  "The Happy Prince".  Unfortunately, my hosting provider lost all the past episodes, but fear not!  I have them saved!  Please be patient while I re-upload everything from this podcast, Pikapi Podcast, On-gaku-Off-gaku and As the Multiverse Turns.  It's five years worth of podcasting, but we'll get it all back... eventually...

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Episode 35: "FHL Insider #6"

The FHL Halloween themed charity tournament was delayed one day due to an attack from notorious criminal organization Team Rocket...
Click here to listen!

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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Episode 31: "Pierce", Part 2

A young office worker is caught off guard when his boss goes through an emo/goth fashion phase.  Part 2: Cody and Jansen go to the concert, and learn a bit about each other.
Click here to listen!

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Episode 29: "Pierce" Part 1

A young office worker is caught off guard when his boss suddenly goes through an emo/goth fashion phase.
Click the link to listen! 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Episode 27: "Keeping A Cool Head"

A young cadet is assigned to a prestigious spaceship, but has some doubts about her captain...
Click here to listen!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Episode 25: "The Black Cat", Edgar Allen Poe

Since my Batman/Shakespeare mashup needs a little more time to mature, I bring you this classic tale, "The Black Cat", by Edgar Allen Poe.  Enjoy!

A storytelling podcast

A storytelling podcast